Yoga & Meditation | Hiking & Swimming | Tea Ceremony & Intention-Setting
This will be a day dedicated to yoga, mindfulness, intention-setting, sangha and cultivating compassion for self and others in one of the most beautiful parts of the Sonoma Coast region. We will celebrate the final days of summer together at Christy's home and nature retreat near Jenner. For additional information or to sign up, please contact Christy at
SLIDING SCALE: $125-$175
12pm: Arrive at Christy's tiny house nature retreat
12:15-1:45pm: Yoga + meditation on the deck
1:45-2:15pm: Snack break (please bring a snack + reusable water bottle)
2:15-4:15pm: Epic hike (out the door) with amazing views (4 mi, 928 ft elevation gain)
4:15-5:15pm: Tea ceremony + optional swimming in the Russian River*
5:15-5:45pm: Sangha circle + intention-setting red string bracelet ceremony + closing dedication
5:45-6pm: Goodbyes and departure